2024 was a very active and productive year for our chapter. Here is an overview of the opportunities we provided our members, fellow music minsters and the community.

  • March 2024 - Vocal Master Class

    - Facilitated by Guilianna Sforza at Blessed Sacrament Church, Martinsville, NJ.

    - Master class focused on the development of practical vocal skills including resonance, phrasing, breath support, and physical attributes of singing.

    - 27 registrants in attendance.

  • July 2024 - Choral Festival

    - Coordinated by Jim Cole and hosted at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Whitehouse Station, NJ.

    - 40 vocalists registered from various parish/community choirs.

    - Festival took place over five days (Wed.-Sun), culminating in an open concert on Sunday afternoon entitled A Firm Foundation.

    - Festival directed by Jim Cole, and was co-conducted by Sandy Licitra-Hays and Bill Alford, with the support and participation of a contracted accompanist and instrumentalists.

    - Created a YouTube video of our concluding concert: A Firm Foundation.

  • September 2024 - Music Directors Coffee Talk Zoom Meeting

    - 14 music directors across the Diocese in attendance.

    - Discussed many and varied topics including music selection, planning, resources, recruitment, use of antiphons, cantor development/training, inclusion of additional instrumentalists, and strategies for congregational singing.

  • November 2024 - St. Cecilia Sing

    - Hosted by William Berg at St. Augustine of Canterbury, Kendall Park, NJ.

    - 160 choir members and over 230 people came together to celebrate St. Cecilia Day, the patron saint of music and musicians.

    - Choirs from six parishes across the Diocese sang their favorite choral anthems for each other: Blessed Sacrament Church, Martinsville, NJ; St. Matthias Church, Somerville, NJ; Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Whitehouse Station, NJ; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Bernardsville, NJ; St. Matthew Church, Edison, NJ; St. Augustine of Canterbury Church, Kendall Park, NJ.

    - Created a YouTube video of our St. Cecilia Sing

Within the chapter, we were able to finance and develop a completely independent website for the NPM Metuchen Chapter (www.npmmetuchen.org). Through the website, we will be able to provide timely and comprehensive information about the chapter and chapter events.

We are grateful to have the support and participation of so many individuals who consistently responded yes with their time and talent across the Diocese. We have also been blessed to have the support of many parishes and their respective pastors, who have graciously permitted the use of their facilities for chapter events. Financially, this year we were blessed by the support of the many people who attended our events, and who freely gave donations as part of the Choral Festival. In turn, the board also unanimously opted to donate funds to the National NPM Office in support of their efforts. The board has also laid the groundwork for funds to be available to chapter members as part of a scholarship, to assist members in attending NPM events. We will continue to offer respectable stipends to accompanying musicians, presenters, and hosting parishes, while charging reasonable fees for attendees. 

Respectfully submitted,

Megan Calabro, MA, MT-BC, MCHC
NPM Metuchen Chapter Director
November 2024