I cannot wait to bring singers from all different parishes/walks of life together in one place, spend time with each other, work through some incredible music that maybe they have never had the chance to see or sing, which will culminate in an amazing musical experience! What I will teach and learn from being part of this will be priceless and something I will not forget. I am grateful to be a part of this and I hope others who are considering it will take the leap and register! What you will gain from this experience will be so valuable and I guarantee you won’t regret it!!

Sandy Hayes-Licitra,

Why did I want to be a part of this Choral Festival?

I went to college sure that I would be a medical doctor one day, and well, life happened, and plans changed!

I had been playing flute since the 7th grade and got very involved in music ministry at my parish in 8th grade. So when I got to college and realized I could be in the premedical program for the science courses, yet could choose any major, it was easy: I chose music. In addition to the great joy I got in performing and studying flute, I also had an interest in conducting. I was the drum major in high school and in college. I had a love of studying musical scores and conducting. I graduated with that degree in music, and I did become a doctor, but one with a PhD not an MD.

I went on to be a scientist and medical writer, but I never gave up on my music. I taught flute, directed a small flute ensemble, and continued to play flute in my parish and in support of other parishes. I started an a cappella church choir and then a handbell choir and directed both of those for many years. Then one day I had the opportunity to apply for a job as a Director of Sacred Music, a dream job for me! I don't play organ or piano and I am no cantor, but I can conduct and teach! So, I took the risk, applied for the job, and the pastor gave me a shot. My road here wasn’t always straight, but I finally got my dream of being a conductor and having my own choirs.

So... There was no question... When the opportunity of participating in a choir festival came, and I had a chance to throw my hat into the ring to conduct as well... I just did it!